The cult to Disney

So, Disney just bought Fox.


Never saw that coming. I heard the rumors and I thought “Nah that’s impossible”. But here it is.


What does it means? well besides having a HUGE catalog of IPs and old movies, it has the X-Men, Fantastic Four rights back at Marvel as well as the first 6 Star wars movies. Of course, they would got those back (excepting Episode IV) on 2020 but this will just accelerate the acquisition.

I am not happy about it. Under Disney,  I think that Marvel movies are becoming too cheap, Star wars  movies are becoming feminist and liberal manifestos and overall, Disney is just a brand that cheapens everything.

But of course nobody can say that. Oh no.Apparently the consensus is that is the best that could happen to Fox! You see, X-men movies will finally “be good” just like Star Wars and Spiderman. And maybe, The Simpsons will go back to its former glory!

Ok. First of all, the X-Men movies were doing just fine without fucking Disney. When this absurd myth that X-Men movies were alwaysbad started? I don’t know. It’s ridiculous. Bryan Singer is a very good filmmaker and his treatment of the X-Men was mature and interesting. They don’t need the goddamn Avengers.  The Force Awakens is a piece of shit. Rogue One was better but still uneven. I haven’t seen The Last Jedi yet but it seems that the reactions are too disparaging. Not a good sign. And The Simpsons? They died more than 10 years ago. There’s no coming back. Why should they? The zombified version on TV still makes money.  And what good exactly can have from Disney again? Name one single AWESOME TV show from them that is not a remake or for little kids. Exactly.

I have noticed something weird when it comes to Disney: they are born without sin.


The way people tend to express about the company is that is perfect, never does anything wrong and it’s god-like. Everything Disney makes is awesome and everything should be under them. I remember some morons on internet saying that they should buy Nintendo. (HAH! Yeah right! like if the japanese government will let them!). But why? why Nintendo “needs” Disney? It’s ridiculous.

Disney products are well done and have made great movies in the past. But this new Disney is like a king midas: everything it touches, turns it in gold… lifeless and cold.

That’s more common with Gen-Xers and Millenials. The first are now parents and see the world thru their kids eyes. The later…well never really matured and for them Disney is like a new God that brings them happyness. It’s like a cult.

Disney cultists have been growing in numbers, I think, since they bought Marvel and other labels. You see them everywhere, specially on Twitter and Facebook. The obsessive love to this huge blob is weird and creepy.

They are also hypocrites. They are always critizing every other company or entertainer, sometimes fairly, but when Disney born without sin does the same, is Ok and even perfect. Examples? let’see

Example 1

Remember this?

It was criticized for being a lazy frame-by-frame remake of an already great movie. it bombed on cinemas and people didn’t gave a damn. It was supossedly more “modern”. Why? yes the 60s had some things that weren’t that well seen in the 90s but you cannot judge the values of 30 years ago with the standards of today. It’s absurd.

Oh but then Disney born without sin makes this:


Really? that movie made a billion?! why?! it’s nothing but a boring  frame-by-frame “live action” remake (although it is like 80% CGI) from an already great movie. There was no reason for making this…except for making millions because, well Disney knows everybody will go and watch it and had the boring liberal-heavy story praised like the best thing ever.

Sadly this won’t be the last time. Oh hell no. They are making even a “live action” remake of The Lion King. Which by the way IS NOT LIVE-ACTION! IT’S FREAKING CGI!!


Example 2

Remember this?

Why was this movie so vilified? because it took a character with serious and dark themes and turned it in a slap stick comedy. It made money but way less than the other three. People complained that it had way too many jokes and it was aimed to sell crap. It ended the then-current Batman series only to be rebooted 8 years later.

So you may think that the lesson is “people don’t like their cool and dark characters be treated like sit-coms”.

well yes…unless is made by Disney.

“oh come on! is fun and great!”

Really? well with that logic, SO BATMAN AND ROBIN right? oh what you say? that’s an exception? why? Thor is a serious comic book character. Almost shakespearan in tone. The first one did it very fine even though it needed work. The second was boring and generic okay. But that doesn’t excuse it to make the third part a full-on sit com. It’s absurd. Yes, you can have fun with it and that’s great (Batman and Robin can also be fun if for the wrong reasons). But that’s not the point. The point is that the Disney cult has grown to a point that Disney can take a character and destroy its mythology and everybody will praise them. If it was bad then, why this should have a pass? because Disney born without sin, that’s why.

Example 3

“X character is growing tired of his/her life and wants something better. He/she gets in a dilemma and succeeds thanks to his/her good heart, the wacky frien and his/her animal companion that acts like a dog even if it isn’t.  there’s also a bady because..yeah. And the movie ends with everybody celebrating”

So what movie I am talking about?

and so on..

Seriously aren’t you guys tired of seeing the same crap stories? It’s almost cynical. But no aparently Disney gets a pass. Granted, other studios like Ilumination are worse and Dreamworks it’s also bad. But the praise Disney gets for its bland and clone stories is ridiculous. Also the songs are just plain meh and teh CGI all looks and feels the same. Not to mention they killed Traditional Animation with the mediocre “Princess and the Frog”  and have a very weird obsession with Lin-Manuel Miranda. Come on! he is not that great for christ sake -_- I bet that if he was blonde and white they wouldn’t give a damn.

And seriously, Pixar was much better when they were more independent. I mean, “The Incredibles 2”?! oh for fucks sake.

Yes, I agree that Disney knows that how to make good products. In fact, that’s the thing they do the best. They do know how to keep their IPs in the mainstream better than the competition.

That doesn’t change the fact that its products are edulcorated and boring and lack risks or gravitas. I don’t think they care. With all these IPs in their disposition they have a lot to cut and sell and it will never ends.

And they will always have their cultists to clean the unpure and faithless.

Fuck them.

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